From Ipsum Seguridad, we are pleased to announce the completion of the perimeter security project at the Quillagua photovoltaic plant, of the Spanish company Grenergy. Located in the province of Tocopilla, in the northern region of Atacama, it has an installed capacity of 103 MW. This is the company’s largest project to date in Chile.
According to many studies, the Atacama desert is the driest inhabited nucleus in the world, so the community of Quillagua will be favoured, not only with all the employment generated during the start-up of the project, but also with electricity and public lighting.
This new solar project will have an estimated capacity of 300 GWh per year from the installation of bifacial photovoltaic modules that increase its production by up to an additional 15%.
It is an honour for us to be part of projects of such magnitude.